
Mangix - Pandaren Brewmaster


Thunder Clap
- Slams the ground, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy land units.

Level 1- 100 damage, 25% movement and attack speed reductions.
Level 2- 175 damage, 35% movement and attack speed reductions.
Level 3- 250 damage, 45% movement speed and attack speed reducitions.
Level 4- 300 damage, 55% movement speed and attack speed reducitions.

Cooldown: 12 seconds

Drunken Haze
-drenches an enemy unit in alcohol, causing his movement speed to be reduced, and causing his attacks to have a chance to miss.Lasts 8 seconds

Level 1- 14% movement speed reduction, 45%miss chance
Level 2- 18% movement speed reduction, 55%miss chance
Level 3- 22% movement speed reduction, 65% miss chance
Level 4- 26% movement speed reduction, 75% miss chance

Drunken Brawler
-Gives a chance to avoid attacks and deal 2x critical damage.

Level 1- 10% dodge, 10% chance to critical.
Level 2- 15% dodge, 15% chance to critical.
Level 3- 20% dodge, 20% chance to critical.
Level 4- 25% dodge, 25% chance to critical.

Primal Split
-Splits the pandaren Brewmaster into elements, forming 3 specialized warriors, adept at survival. If any of them survive until the end of their summoned timer, the Brewmaster is reborn.

Level 1- Summons three mighty pandas for 15 seconds.
Level 2- Summons three mighty pandas for 17 seconds.
Level 3- Summons three mighty pandas for 19 seconds.

Cooldown: 180/160/140

Aghanim's Scepter
can be use to improve strenth, cooldown and duration of pandas.

Centaur Warchief

Bradwarden the Centaur Warchief


Hoof Stomp

-Slams the fround, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units.

Level 1- 100 dmage, 2 second stun.
Level 2- 150 damage, 2.25 second stun.
Level 3- 200 damage, 2.5 second stun.
Level 4- 250 damage, 2.75 second stun.

Cooldown: 13 seconds

Double Edge

-The Centaur summons a tremendous amount of inner strength and releases a very powerful attack. It can only be done at melee range, and it damages both the Warchief and the enemy units around the target.

Level 1- 175 damage.
Level 2- 250 damage.
Level 3- 325 damage.
Level 4- 400 damage.

Cooldown: 8 second


-Centaur Warchief immediately counters every attack against him with a swift strike.

Level 1- Returns 16 + 26% of STR as damage.
Level 2- Returns 18 + 34% of STR as damage.
Level 3- Returns 20 + 42% of STR as damage.
Level 4- Returns 22 + 50% of STR as damage.


-Grants you and all allied player units max movement speed and zero collision for a short duration. Any units you and your allies come into collision will take some damage and get slowed. Enemies can only be affected by stampede impact once. Lasts for 3.75 seconds.

Level 1- Deals 1xstr damage and 1.25 seconds slow.
Level 2- Deals 2xSTR damage and 1.25 seconds slow
Level 3- Deals 3xSTR damage and 1.25 seconds slow

Cooldown: 120/90/60


 Capt. Coco /
 Jack Sparrow /
 Legendary mariner /
Capt. Obvious /



     -using his paralleled knowledge of the sea, Kunkka is able to summon a blast of water on a target area. After 2 seconds a fierce torrent of water errupts from the ground, the stream blasting enemies caught in the AoE into the sky, dealing damage and slowing movement speed by 35%.

Level 1- 120 damage, 1 second duration
Level 2- 180 damage, 2 second duration
Level 3- 240 damage, 3 second duration
Level 4- 300 damage, 4 second duration


     -Kunkka's legendary sword Tidebringer is infused with the very power of the sea. Akin to the ebb and flow, Tidebringer passively grants the hero increased damage and large AoE cleave for a single strike every once in a while.

Level 1- +15 damage, 13 second cooldown
Level 2- +30 damage, 10 second cooldown
Level 3- +45 damage, 7 second cooldown
Level 4- +60 damage, 4 second cooldown

X Marks the Spot:

     -In order to make an assembly for his troops, Admiral proudmore targets a hero and marks its current  position on the ground. After few seconds, the hero will instantly return to the mark.

Level 1- 1 second, 500 casting range
Level 2- 2 seconds, 650 casting range
Level 3- 3 seconds, 800 casting range
Level 4- 4 seconds, 950 casting range

Ghost Ship:

     -Summons the mystical ghost ship S.S Coco to the battlefield. Allies are doused in Capt. Coco's rum, inebriating the for 10% bonus movement speed and numbness to incoming damage, causing them to fell only half of the pain now and half after the Rum wears off. Enemies pirates and scurvy knaves are dashed on the rocks for damage and a brief stun when the ship crashes.

Level 1- Coco's Rum last 8 seconds, 300 crash damage
Level 2- 400 crash damage
Level 3- 500 crash damage


Guys what's with Nevermore?

An agility, range type hero in dota, Shadow Fiend/Nevermore is the most popular and favorite of almost every player on map. 80% of possibility that Nevermore will lined up in every single match. Aside from its powerful shadowrazes skill, Nevermore's normal attack increases everytime it kills his enemy (necromastery). It also have the ability to reduce nearby enemy's armor once he learned the presence of the dark lord skill. The more souls he gained from his enemies the powerful he is on battle that's why nevermore is better of killer in the game.