DotA Map 6.78b 6v6

DotA Map 6.78b 6v6 via GameWebz is the expansion map of 6.78b which provides us lots of new items. This is the latest map IceFrog has made. Im pretty much sure that lots of player will enjoy playing this one. So get your own map and find more friends to play as will see the 6v6 version of DotA map.


Rigwarl the Bristleback

Viscous Nasal Goo

-covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and movement speed. Casts on the same target are cumulative.
Lasts 5 seconds.

Level 1- -1armor, 20% and 3% slow a cast.
Level 2- -1armor, 20% and 6% slow a cast.
Level 3- -2armor, 20% and 9% slow a cast.
Level 4- -2armor, 20% and 12% slow a cast.

Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.

Quill Spray

- sprays enemy units with quills dealing damage in a 635 AoE. Deals 30 extra damage everytime a unit is struck by a quill in the last 10 seconds. Damage type is physical.

Level 1- 20 direct damage. 30 stacking damage.
Level 2- 40 direct damage. 30 stacking damage.
Level 3- 60 direct damage. 30 stacking damage.
Level 4- 80 direct damage. 30 stacking damage.

Cooldown: 3


- Rigwarl covers his back in spines. causing him to take reduced damage. Automatically releases a quill spray whenever his rear receives 250 damage.

Level 1- 16% reduced from rear, 8% from sides.
Level 2- 24% reduced from rear, 12% from sides.
Level 3- 32% reduced from rear, 16% from sides.
Level 4- 40% reduced from rear, 20% from sides.


- Everytime Rigwarl casts a spell, he works himself into a fury. Movement speed and attack damage increases on repeated spell casts. Lasts 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

Level 1- 20 Damage/ 5% MS Base +20 Damage/1% MS stack.
Level 2- 25 Damage/ 7% MS Base +25 Damage/2% MS stack.
Level 3- 30 Damage/ 10% MS Base +30 Damage/3% MS stack.


Huskar the Sacred Warrior


- magically unlocks the potential regenerative power within a target unit, healing its life force based upon its primary attribute. If the target is below 40% it will heal faster. Lasts 16 seconds.

Level 1- 5(15)% of amain attribte +2 hp regen per second.
Level 2- 10(30)% of amain attribte +4 hp regen per second.
Level 3- 15(45)% of amain attribte +6 hp regen per second.
Level 4- 20(60)% of amain attribte +8 hp regen per second.

Cooldown: 25 seconds
Manacost: 170

Burning Spear

- using his own life force to seet them a aflame, the Sacred Warrior can cause his spears to deal stackable damage over time as they impact the foe. Stacks indefinitely, Lasts 7 seconds.

Level 1- 4 damage per second
Level 2- 8 damage per second
Level 3- 12 damage per second
Level 4- 16 damage per second

Cooldown: 0
Health cost: 15

Orb effects do not stack
Buff placers do not stack

Berserker's Blood

- Huskar feels each of his wounds and channels the pain, increasing attack speed and damage for each 7% missing health. First bonus starts at full health.

Level 1- 3% IAS and 2 damage.
Level 2- 6% IAS and 4 damage.
Level 3- 9% IAS and 6 damage.
Level 4- 12% IAS and 8 damage.

Life Break

-Huskar reaches into the well of hiss own life force to heavily damage an enemy. Huskar is magic immune while charging towards the target. The target takes damage equal to 50% of its current hp. Slows target by 50% for 5 seconds.Huskar pays a certain percentage of his HP to cast this.

Level 1- Huskar pays 35% of his current HP to cast.
Level 2- Huskar pays 30% of his current HP to cast.
Level 3- Huskar pays 25% of his current HP to cast.

Cooldown: 45/30/15

Scepter Upgradeable: INcreases damage dealt and reduces cooldown.


Rattletrap the Clockwerk Goblin


Battery Assault

-Discharges high-powered sharpnel from openings in Rattletrap' s clockwork upon a random nearby target dealing minor magical damage and ministun every 0.7 seconds . Lasts 10.5  seconds.

Level 1- 15 Damage.
Level 2- 35 Damage.
Level 3- 55 Damage.
Level 4- 75 Damage.

Cooldown: 32/28/24/20
Manacost: 75

Power Cog

- The clockwerk Goblin ejects pieces of inner core to form a circular barrier around himself, trapping nearby units in with him. These cogs require 3 attacks from an enemy to be destroyed before their expiration time. IF an enemy unit with mana goes near an element from the outside it gets shocked for some HP and mana and is knocked back. An element powers down if it shocks a unit.

Level 1- Lasts 5 seconds. 80 Shock.
Level 2- Lasts 6 seconds. 120 Shock.
Level 3- Lasts 7 seconds. 160 Shock.
Level 4- Lasts 8 seconds. 200 Shock.

Cooldown: 15 seconds
Manacost: 50/60/70/80

Rocket Flare

- fires a fast moving missile at a target area on the map, revealing the targeted area for 10 seconds. Upon impact it damages enemy units in the 575 AOE explosion.

Level 1- Deals 80 damage.
Level 2- Deals 120 damage.
Level 3- Deals 160 damage.
Level 4- Deals 200 damage.

Cooldown: 20/18/16/14
Manacost: 50


- fires a grappling, piston-like attchment at a unit or location. It will latch on the first non-neutral target it encounters, pulling youu to it. Any enemies whom you collide with while being reeled toward the target will take damage and be stunned.

Level 1- 2000 range, 100 collision damage and 1 second collision stun.
Level 2- 2500 range, 200 collision damage and 1.5 second collision stun.
Level 3- 3000 range, 300 collision damage and 2 second collision stun.

Cooldown: 70/55/40
Manacost: 150

Agahnim's scepter Lowers its cooldown.

Knight Davion

 Knight Davion the dragon knight

Breath Fire

- breaths fire at enemy units which deals damage.

Level 1- 90 damage.
Level 2- 170 damage.
Level 3- 240 damage.
Level 4- 300 damage.

Cooldown: 12 seconds
Mancost: 100/110/120/130

Dragon Tail

- Knight Davion bashes a melee-range enemy target with the fury of a dragon's tail swipe. Stuns the target and deals minor damage.

Level 1- Deals 25 damage, stuns for 2.5 seconds.
Level 2- Deals 50 damage, stuns for 2.75 seconds.
Level 3- Deals 75 damage, stuns for 3 seconds.
Level 4- Deals 100 damage, stuns for 3.25 seconds.

Cooldown: 9 seconds.

Dragon Blood

- Grants Dragon Knight blood from his ancient ancestral dragon heritage, which increases health regeneration and armor.

Level 1- Increases hp regen by 2 and armor by 3.
Level 2- Increases hp regen by 3 and armor by 6.
Level 3- Increases hp regen by 4 and armor by 9.
Level 4- Increases hp regen by 5 and armor by 12.

Elder Dragon Form

- tansorms the dragon knight into a powerful elder dragon. Gives 25 movement speed boost. Lasts 60 seconds. Increases Dragon Tail's cast range.

Level 1- Transform into a Green Dragon with a corrosive breath attack.
Level 2- Transform into a Red Dragon with a splash attack.
Level 3- Transform into a Blue Dragon with an extremely powerful frost attack.

Cooldown: 115
Manacost: 50

Razzil Darkbrew

Razzil Darkbrew the Alchemist

Acid Spray

- Sprays high-pressure acid across a target area. Hostile units who step across the contaminated terrain take physical damage per second and have their armor reduced. Lasts 16 seconds.

Level 1- 14 damage per second, reduces by 3.
Level 2- 20 damage per second, reduces by 4.
Level 3- 26 damage per second, reduces by 5.
Level 4- 32 damage per second, reduces by 6.

Cooldown: 22

Unstable Concoction

- Razzil brews up an unstable concoction that he can throw at enemy hero, to stun and deal damage. Once Razzil starts brewing, he can continue for up to 5 seconds. Each second of brewing will increase the potency of the concoction and make Razzil more red. After the 5 seconds, there is a small buffer window. If Razzil does not throw the concoction soon after it will blow up and Razzil himself will suffer as if he was hit by the concoction. Concoction can blow up mid air if fired too late.

Level 1- Deals up to 150 damage and stuns for up to 1.75 seconds.
Level 2- Deals up to 220 damage and stuns for up to 2.5 seconds.
Level 3- Deals up to 290 damage and stuns for up to 3.25 seconds.
Level 4- Deals up to 360 damage and stuns for up to 4 seconds.

Cooldown: 16 seconds
Manacost: 120

Goblin' s Greed

- The Goblin converts the creep' s corpes into gold. You get more gold for every extra creep you killed in the last 25 seconds. Gives successive bonus gold. Cap of 30 extra gold.

Level 1- 4 bonus gold per enemy.
Level 2- 6 bonus gold per enemy.
Level 3- 8 bonus gold per enemy.
Level 4- 10 bonus gold per enemy.

Chemical Rage

- The Alchemmist causes his Ogre to enter a chemically induced rage reducing base attack cooldown, increasing movement speed and increasing hitpoints and regeneration. Lasts 25 seconds.

Level 1- 1.4 Base Attack Rate and 300 Bonus HP and Regeneration.
Level 2- 1.2 Base Attack Rate and 600 Bonus HP and Regeneration.
Level 3- 1.0 Base Attack Rate and 900 Bonus HP and Regeneration.


Tiny the Stone Giant


- Bombards an area with rocks stunning and damaging enemy land units. A unit tossed in the air gets hit by more rocks.

Level 1- 100 damage.
Level 2- 180 damage.
Level 3- 260 damage.
Level 4- 300 damage.

Cooldown: 17 seconds
Manacost: 120


- Tiny grabs the nearest unit, friend or foe, and launches them at a location. Upon landing, the unit deals damage in an area as well as receiving 20% of that damage to themselves if it is an enemy (damage increases as tiny' s size increases)

Level 1- 1300 range, 75 damage.
Level 2- 1300 range, 150 damage.
Level 3- 1300 range, 225 damage.
Level 4- 1300 range, 300 damage.

Cooldown:10 seconds
Manacost: 120

Craggy Exterior

- Tiny' s body is made of solid granite, causing great pain to those who attack it. Whenever a nearby unit attacks Tiny, there is a chance that they will be stunned for 1.2 seconds.

Level 1- +2 Armor. 6% chance, 25 stund damage.
Level 2- +3 Armor. 12% chance, 35 stund damage.
Level 3- +4 Armor. 18% chance, 45 stund damage.
Level 4- +5 Armor. 24% chance, 55 stund damage.


- Greatly increases Tiny' s power and size, but does so at the cost of his attack speed. Improves toss damage and slightly increases move speed.

Level 1- 50 bonus damage, 20% reduced attack speed.
Level 2- 100 bonus damage, 35% reduced attack speed.
Level 3- 150 bonus damage, 50% reduced attack speed.

Aghanm's scepter adds siege attack.


Sven the Rouge Knight

Storm Bolt

- Targets an area around an enemy unit and releases a magical hammer dealing damage and stunning enemy units. 255 AoE. Stun lasts 2 seconds.

Level 1- 100 damage.
Level 2- 175 damage.
Level 3- 250 damage.
Level 4- 325 damage.

Cooldown: 15 seconds
Manacost: 140

Great Cleave

- Sven strikes with such force that all nearby enemies take damage.

Level 1- 20% damage is splashed.
Level 2- 35% damage is splashed.
Level 3- 50% damage is splashed.
Level 4- 65% damage is splashed.


- With the righteous anger of one wielding justice, Sven lets loose a mighty Warcry, hearting his allies for battle. Sven and nearby allies gain 12% movespeed and increased armor for 7 seconds. 900 AoE.

Level 1- 12% Movement Speed. +4 armor
Level 2- 12% Movement Speed. +8 armor
Level 3- 12% Movement Speed. +12 armor
Level 4- 12% Movement Speed. +16 armor

Cooldown: 36/30/2/18

God's Strength

-Sven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25 seconds.

Level 1- Adds 100% damage.
Level 2- Adds 150% damage.
Level 3- Adds 200% damage.


Rexxar the Beastmaster

Wild Axes

-Rexxar hurls his two axes outward, which then intersects and return to him. Each axe can only damage a unit once.

Level 1- 90 damage each axe
Level 2- 120 damage each axe
Level 3- 150 damage each axe
Level 4-180 damage each axe

Cooldown: 13 seconds

Call of the Wild

-Rexxar calls upon wild beasts to aid him. The duration, strength and number of beasts increases per level. Previous summons are removed upon casting.

Level 1- Summons a Scout Hawk
Level 2- Summons a Scout Hawk and a Quilbeast
Level 3- Summons a Greater Hawk and a Quilbeast
Level 4- Summons a Greater Hawk and a Greater Quilbeast

Cooldown: 40 seconds

Inner Beast

-Released the inner beast inside nearby allies, passively increases their attack speed.

Level 1- Increases attack speed by 18%.
Level 2- Increases attack speed by 26%.
Level 3- Increases attack speed by 32%.
level 4- Increases attack speed by 40%.

Primal Roar(ultimate)

-The Beastmaster looses a deafening roar which deals damage and stuns its target. Enemy units near the roar wave take minor damage and have their speed and attack rate reduced. Due to the force of the roar, all units between the Beastmaster and his prey are shoved aside, creating an open path.

Level 1- 200 primary damage, 3 second stun. 100 side damage, 2 second slow.
Level 2- 250 primary damage, 3.5 second stun. 200 side damage, 3 second slow.
Level 3- 300 primary damage, 4 second stun. 300 side damage, 4 second slow.

Cooldown: 80/75/70

Rexxar's ultimate skill improves cooldown and cast range (Agahnim's scepter)

Guardian Wisp

Lo the Guardian Wisp


-Lo tethers himself to an allied unit, granting both units 20% bonus movement speed. Any enemy units that contact the tether will be stunned. The tether will break if it stretches beyond 900 units. Lasts 12 seconds.

Level 1- 0.75 second stun.
Level 2- 1.25 second stun.
Level 3- 1.75 second stun.
Level 4- 2.25 second stun.

Cooldown: 12 seconds
Manacost: 40


- Lo summons 5 ancients Spirits over the course of 4 seconds, the Spirits dance around lo in a circle to protect him. If an enemy hero moves close enough to touch a spirit, the spirit releases its life energy in a burst, damaging all enemies in  a 300 area effect. Non hero units only take minor damage upon toughing a spirit and do not cause them to explode

Level 1- 25 damage per spirit
Level 1- 50 damage per spirit
Level 1- 75 damage per spirit
Level 1- 100 damage per spirit

Cooldown: 20/18/16/14
Manacost: 120/130/140/150


- lo draws on more energy than he can safely handle, granting him bonus attack speed and damage reduction, but draining 3.5% of his current HP and MP per second. If lo is tethered to an ally the bonuses are also granted to that ally.

Level 1- 40 attack speed, 5% damage prevention
Level 2- 50 attack speed, 10% damage prevention
Level 3- 60 attack speed, 15% damage prevention
Level 4- 70 attack speed, 20% damage prevention


- lo temporary relocates himself, along with any tethered hero , to the target location for 12 seconds. There is a casting delay and the enemy has visual indications of the teleport.

Level 1- 2.5 second delay.
Level 2- 2.25 second delay.
Level 3- 2 second delay.

Cooldown: 90/75/60
Manacost: 100

Tauren Warchief

Tauren Chieftain the Cairne Bloodhoof

Echo Stomp

- Calls upon the spirit of his ancestors to join him in an earth-shattering echo, rendering nearby foes unconcious. The spirit and tauren Chieftain both deal damage in the area, the Spirit dealing magical damage and the physical form dealing physical damage. Unconcious enemies will wake if they get hit. If the spirit is separated from you , it will still perform its part of the spell. 1.4 second cast time

Level 1- Knocks out unnits for 2 seconds. 80 damage.
Level 2- Knocks out unnits for 3 seconds. 80 damage.
Level 3- Knocks out unnits for 4 seconds. 80 damage.
Level 4- Knocks out unnits for 5 seconds. 80 damage.

cooldown:15 seconds
Manacost: 100/115/130/145

Ancestral Spirit

- Tauren Chieftain sends forth his guardian ancestor to bring ruin upon his foes. While seperate from the Chieftain, the spirit will damage any unit it passes through. When it rejoins the Chieftain, it grants him bonus damage and movement speed for each enemy it has struck.

Level 1- 120 damage, 3 attack damage per creep. 10 attack damage per hero.
Level 2- 160 damage, 6 attack damage per creep. 20 attack damage per hero.
Level 3- 200 damage, 9 attack damage per creep. 30 attack damage per hero.
Level 4- 240 damage, 12 attack damage per creep. 40 attack damage per hero.

Cooldown: 16 seconds

Natural Order

- Uses wisdom gathered throughout the ages to reduce everythhing to its most basic level. Removes base magic and physical resistance.

Level 1- 20%
Level 2- 40%
Level 3- 60%
Level 4- 80%

Earth Splitter

- using his mighty axe, tauren Chieftain rends the very earth itself, sending a jagged crack under the feet of his enemies. After several seconds the earth implodes, sending his foes tumbling ineards. Any unit caught in the implosion will take damage based on their maximum life and have their speed slowed for a short time. Implodes after 3 seconds. Deals 35% of a unit's maximum hp.

Level 1-30% Maim for 3 seconds duration.
Level 2-40% Maim for 4 seconds duration.
Level 3-50% Maim for 5 seconds duration.

Cooldown: 100 seconds


Rooftrellen the Treant Protector

skills :
Nature's Gulse

- Changes a target friendly unit's appearance so that it blends in with the forest. It is invisible to enemies eyes and gains a 10% movement speed bous, but it must remain near a tree, or the gulse will lst. Rooftrellen will not break his own invisibility while casting spells while under this spell's effeck.

Level 1- Lasts 15 seconds.
Level 2- Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 3- Lasts 45 seconds.
Level 4- Lasts 60 seconds.

cooldown: 10/8/6/4

Leech seed

-Rooftrellen plants a life-sapping seed in his enemy, causing it to be slowed by 24% and have its life force drained over the next 3 seconds. Nearby allied units are healed by the same amount. Pulses 4 times.

Level 1- Damage and heals for 30 per pulse.
Level 2- Damage and heals for 45 per pulse.
Level 3- Damage and heals for 60 per pulse.
Level 4- Damage and heals for 75 per pulse.

Cooldown: 16/14/12/10
Manacost: 140

Living Armor

- magically creaates an armor vines around a friendly unit or structure, protecting it from harm and healing wounds. Dispels after taking 7 instances of damage.

Level 1- Adds 20 damage block and regenerates 4 hit points per second.
Level 2- Adds 40 damage block and regenerates 7 hit points per second.
Level 3- Adds 60 damage block and regenerates 10 hit points per second.
Level 4- Adds 80 damage block and regenerates 13 hit points per second.

Cooldown: 15 seconds
Manacost: 25


-Summons an overgrowth of vines and branches. prevents all nearby enemies from moving or attacking.

Level 1- Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 2- Lasts 3.75 seconds.
Level 3- Lasts 4.5 seconds.

Cooldown: 70


Raigor the Stonehoof - Earthshaker


-Slams the ground with the Raigor's mighty totem, causing the ground to crack open front of him, damaging opponents and leaving an impassable crevasse for a period of time.

Level 1- 125 damage, 1 second stun.
Level 2- 175 damage, 1.25 second stun.
Level 3- 225 damage, 1.5 second stun.
Level 4- 275 damage, 1.75 second stun.

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Enchant Totem

-Empowers the totem resting on Raigor's back, causing it to deal extra damage on the next attack.

Level 1- 75% increased damage.
Level 2- 150% increased damage.
Level 3- 225% increased damage.
Level 4- 300% increased damage.


- the power of Raigor casting a spell causes the earth to shake below him,, dealing additional damage and stunning.

Level 1- 50 damage, 0.6 second stun.
Level 2- 75 damage, 0.9 second stun.
Level 3- 100 damage, 1.2 second stun.
Level 4- 125 damage, 1.5 second stun.

Echo Slam

- Raigor sends shockwaves shooting through the ground, dealing damage ricocheting to nearby targets for additional damage.

Level 1- 200 initial damage, 40 echo damage
Level 2- 265 initial damage, 55 echo damage
Level 3- 340 initial damage, 70 echo damage

cooldown: 150/130/110

*with aghanim's scepter, Raigor's echo twice per hero


Purist Thunderwrath - Omniknight


-Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units.

Level 1- Purifies 90 hit points.
Level 2- Purifies 180 hit points.
Level 3- Purifies 270 hit points.
Level 4- Purifies 360 hit points.

Cooldown: 10 seconds


- Creates a powerful divine ward that blocks all magic from affecting a target unit.

Level 1- Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 2- Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 3- Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 4- Lasts 12 seconds.

Cooldown: 14 seconds

Degen Aura

-Greatly degenerates th movement and attack capabilities of units that stray too near.

Level 1- Reduces speed by 7%.
Level 2- Reduces speed by 14%.
Level 3- Reduces speed by 21%.
Level 4- Reduces speed by 28%.

Guardian Angel

-Grants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly.

Level 1- Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2- Lasts 6 seconds.
Level 3- Lasts 7 seconds.

Cooldown: 150 seconds.


Mangix - Pandaren Brewmaster


Thunder Clap
- Slams the ground, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy land units.

Level 1- 100 damage, 25% movement and attack speed reductions.
Level 2- 175 damage, 35% movement and attack speed reductions.
Level 3- 250 damage, 45% movement speed and attack speed reducitions.
Level 4- 300 damage, 55% movement speed and attack speed reducitions.

Cooldown: 12 seconds

Drunken Haze
-drenches an enemy unit in alcohol, causing his movement speed to be reduced, and causing his attacks to have a chance to miss.Lasts 8 seconds

Level 1- 14% movement speed reduction, 45%miss chance
Level 2- 18% movement speed reduction, 55%miss chance
Level 3- 22% movement speed reduction, 65% miss chance
Level 4- 26% movement speed reduction, 75% miss chance

Drunken Brawler
-Gives a chance to avoid attacks and deal 2x critical damage.

Level 1- 10% dodge, 10% chance to critical.
Level 2- 15% dodge, 15% chance to critical.
Level 3- 20% dodge, 20% chance to critical.
Level 4- 25% dodge, 25% chance to critical.

Primal Split
-Splits the pandaren Brewmaster into elements, forming 3 specialized warriors, adept at survival. If any of them survive until the end of their summoned timer, the Brewmaster is reborn.

Level 1- Summons three mighty pandas for 15 seconds.
Level 2- Summons three mighty pandas for 17 seconds.
Level 3- Summons three mighty pandas for 19 seconds.

Cooldown: 180/160/140

Aghanim's Scepter
can be use to improve strenth, cooldown and duration of pandas.

Centaur Warchief

Bradwarden the Centaur Warchief


Hoof Stomp

-Slams the fround, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units.

Level 1- 100 dmage, 2 second stun.
Level 2- 150 damage, 2.25 second stun.
Level 3- 200 damage, 2.5 second stun.
Level 4- 250 damage, 2.75 second stun.

Cooldown: 13 seconds

Double Edge

-The Centaur summons a tremendous amount of inner strength and releases a very powerful attack. It can only be done at melee range, and it damages both the Warchief and the enemy units around the target.

Level 1- 175 damage.
Level 2- 250 damage.
Level 3- 325 damage.
Level 4- 400 damage.

Cooldown: 8 second


-Centaur Warchief immediately counters every attack against him with a swift strike.

Level 1- Returns 16 + 26% of STR as damage.
Level 2- Returns 18 + 34% of STR as damage.
Level 3- Returns 20 + 42% of STR as damage.
Level 4- Returns 22 + 50% of STR as damage.


-Grants you and all allied player units max movement speed and zero collision for a short duration. Any units you and your allies come into collision will take some damage and get slowed. Enemies can only be affected by stampede impact once. Lasts for 3.75 seconds.

Level 1- Deals 1xstr damage and 1.25 seconds slow.
Level 2- Deals 2xSTR damage and 1.25 seconds slow
Level 3- Deals 3xSTR damage and 1.25 seconds slow

Cooldown: 120/90/60


 Capt. Coco /
 Jack Sparrow /
 Legendary mariner /
Capt. Obvious /



     -using his paralleled knowledge of the sea, Kunkka is able to summon a blast of water on a target area. After 2 seconds a fierce torrent of water errupts from the ground, the stream blasting enemies caught in the AoE into the sky, dealing damage and slowing movement speed by 35%.

Level 1- 120 damage, 1 second duration
Level 2- 180 damage, 2 second duration
Level 3- 240 damage, 3 second duration
Level 4- 300 damage, 4 second duration


     -Kunkka's legendary sword Tidebringer is infused with the very power of the sea. Akin to the ebb and flow, Tidebringer passively grants the hero increased damage and large AoE cleave for a single strike every once in a while.

Level 1- +15 damage, 13 second cooldown
Level 2- +30 damage, 10 second cooldown
Level 3- +45 damage, 7 second cooldown
Level 4- +60 damage, 4 second cooldown

X Marks the Spot:

     -In order to make an assembly for his troops, Admiral proudmore targets a hero and marks its current  position on the ground. After few seconds, the hero will instantly return to the mark.

Level 1- 1 second, 500 casting range
Level 2- 2 seconds, 650 casting range
Level 3- 3 seconds, 800 casting range
Level 4- 4 seconds, 950 casting range

Ghost Ship:

     -Summons the mystical ghost ship S.S Coco to the battlefield. Allies are doused in Capt. Coco's rum, inebriating the for 10% bonus movement speed and numbness to incoming damage, causing them to fell only half of the pain now and half after the Rum wears off. Enemies pirates and scurvy knaves are dashed on the rocks for damage and a brief stun when the ship crashes.

Level 1- Coco's Rum last 8 seconds, 300 crash damage
Level 2- 400 crash damage
Level 3- 500 crash damage


Guys what's with Nevermore?

An agility, range type hero in dota, Shadow Fiend/Nevermore is the most popular and favorite of almost every player on map. 80% of possibility that Nevermore will lined up in every single match. Aside from its powerful shadowrazes skill, Nevermore's normal attack increases everytime it kills his enemy (necromastery). It also have the ability to reduce nearby enemy's armor once he learned the presence of the dark lord skill. The more souls he gained from his enemies the powerful he is on battle that's why nevermore is better of killer in the game.

Traxex vs Kardel

Hmmmm? Who is more tougher? What if there items switched? Does it make a difference?

DotA 6.77c AI 1.4 Rev2 (official by PBMN)

     DotA 6.77c map has been updated to an AI version. Bugs are fixed and AI chasing behavior improves. Can' t wait to test this one.  Changelogs

Unreleased Heroes!

     Mortar Team, Priest, Wyvern Outrider, Edgewalker, Sissy, and Ghost Revenant are the new heroes in DOTA. Unreleased heroes of DotA 6.78 map. All range heroes and awesome skills. Can' t wait? Get your 6.77b(Test map) and try em all.

NOTE: Type "-clear" and heroes will appear at the mid part of the map. ENJOY